Import Economy Express

Importation of goods into the territory of the Customs Union by road, for TNT customers who chose the Economy Express service.


What needs to be prepared before the goods are imported?

  • Make a line-by-line translation of the invoice into Russian / or prepare a detailed description for the imported goods
  • Complete the specification in accordance with the template (if requested by TNT)
  • Provide valid permits for imported goods

What restrictive documents are required?

  • The list of restrictive documents depends on the imported goods and the classification HS code.
  • Possible list of permits and additional information that may be required for imported goods:
    - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) + 100% of the product from the manufacturer + certified translation into Russian, for cosmetics or chemical products
    - Certificate of state registration of products
    - Declaration of conformity of goods
    - Notification of the FSB, when importing goods with the encryption function
    - Warranty/Guarantee letter from the manufacturer / sender / recipient of the goods (in accordance with the request or provided templates)
    - License, in case the imported goods are subject to licensing

What goods are restricted/prohibited?

  • Goods addressed to individuals (B2C)
  • Shipments containing food, beverages and / or ingredients for the food industry
  • Shipments containing unprocessed wood and products from it
  • Shipments containing medicines, drugs, preparations and / or ingredients for their production
  • Shipments that contain jewelry or items made of precious metals and stones
  • Goods addressed to embassies
  • Separate categories of goods falling under the established restrictions to the places of registration of goods, determined by the current customs legislation (see FCS Order No. 1919 dated 20.09.2011 "On the competence of customs authorities located in Moscow and the Moscow Region to perform customs operations with respect to certain categories of goods ").
  • Other goods that fall under the current prohibitions and restrictions established by the legislation and internal policies of TNT.  

Why is this important?

  • The requested documents and information are mandatory for the purposes of compliance with the requirements established by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of 09.12.2011 N 899 "On the introduction of mandatory preliminary information on goods imported into the customs territory of the Customs Union by road."
  • Failure to submit documents and information, and / or their incomplete submission may result in forced delays in the delivery of your international express consignment. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that TNT reserves the right to set the deadlines for waiting at the transit point for express consignments that require the submission of documents and information by the declarant (importer) for the purposes of compliance with the customs legislation of the EAEC. Consignments exceeding the maximum waiting time will be returned to the sender at the expense of the party that paid for the delivery.

To obtain further information please contact Customer Care at 8 800 100 27 77.